St Gregory's

Catholic Academy

Parent Pay

Spring Garden Road, Longton Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST3 2QN

01782 254833

Part of

All Saints Catholic Collegiate

MAC All Saints Day Liturgy

Catholic Life


With respect for God and united in faith,

we place service before self to inspire hearts and minds.

By achieving together through our love and faith,

we place Christ at the centre of all we do.


Catholic Life from Our Children

'We are a Catholic school and so we need to learn about God and learn about how can follow this example and live good lives. We learn how to treat one another well, as well as avoiding bad things. We use the Gospel as the root of everything. We need to learn about our faith. We also learn about why we are here. Overall, Jesus talks to us through the Bible'.


Living in Faith

As a Catholic school, Jesus Christ remains central to every aspect of school life.  All pupils are educated in the beliefs and devotional practices of the Catholic church. Participation in daily collective act of worship remains at the helm of every morning and afternoon session, within RE lessons and at the end of each day. Every class prepares and leads Mass once a term, with parents, families and parishioners warmly welcomed.

The Catholic RE scheme ‘Living and Growing as the People of God’ is followed throughout the school. This is supplemented by work on the saints and stories from the Old and New Testaments, Circle time sessions and Personal, Social and Health Education. Children participate in special liturgies during the school year which are timed to coincide with events in the Church’s calendar.

Our parish priest, Father David Newell, works closely with school staff and families, to prepare year 3 pupils for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion, whilst pupils in Year 6 prepare for Confirmation.

Relationships and Family Life (Sex Education) is taught formally in all classes and is integrated into Science and RE. Parents and carers are advised that, in desiring a Catholic education for their child, it is expected that all pupils will participate in RE lessons. Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their children, although this is strongly discouraged, but may be required to supervise their children during this period, if adult supervision is not available.

All pupils learn about other religions and cultures and are encouraged to show respect and acknowledgement for the beliefs of others through open discussion and shared experiences. This is reflected through the involvement of Muslim and Sikh pupils, both within school and the wider local community, who have worked with other schools by leading assemblies during Eid and Ramadan.

Year 6 pupils are given the opportunity to visit Alton Castle, an education centre which combines a spiritual retreat with outdoor activities. During Lent and Advent, liturgies take place during and after school. These prayer group sessions are led by staff and pupils, whilst after-school prayer sessions are led by a parish Catechist and pupils.

Click here to visit our RE Page 

Click here to visit our RSE Page 


Prayer at Home 

School Prayer:

Lord, bless our school
so that working together,
praying and playing together,
we may learn to serve You
and serve one another.



All Saints Catholic Collegiate Prayer
Lord Jesus,
Give us guidance from the Holy Spirit,
bless each of our five academies with
Truth, Wisdom, Grace and Love
so that we may learn to serve you and
one another.
Help us to grow, work, play and pray
together as a family.
Help us to keep your love in our heart and
bring peace to others.


Lenten Prayer - Written by Abbie Krzysica 

Prayer to Mary - Written by Esme Danagher

Prayer to the Holy Spirit - Written by  Finlee Bithell

Psalm 23 - Written by Noor Hussain

Psalm 23 - Written by Edward Horne

Formal Prayers


St Gregory's CSI Inspection Report 2023

St Gregory's Section 48 Diocesan Inspection 2017



Sacramental Preparation

Sacramental Sign up FHC




May Procession


Live Simply Award 2024





Multi Faith


Christmas Parish Celebration



Lest we forget

         Christmas Kindness - Alice Charity 


 Remembrance 2023



Homemade Prayer boxes

Y4 posted letters to Pope Francis based upon

Laudato Si 

Harvest Assembly

Vestments made from our Sewing Group


Combined School Mass  



Letter from His Majesty King Charles III


Letter from His Majesty King Charles III


Harvest Food Bank

 KS1 Prayer Focus  


Prayer Garden

For Jimmy - MAC Forgiveness Talk

For Jimmy - MAC Forgiveness Talk

God's Family Assembly led by Mrs Yates


Gardening Nurture






Y5 Harvest Assembly




Remembrance Day Parade




FS1 Multi-Faith Fortnight

FS2 Multi-Faith Fortnight


Y1 Multi-Faith Fortnight

Y2 Multi-Faith Fortnight

Y3 Multi-Faith Fortnight

   Y4 Multi-Faith Fortnight

Y5 Multi-Faith Fortnight

 Y6 Multi-Faith Fortnight







Mini Vinnie



Y5 Vocations Talk - Anthony Colclough

Y5 Vocations Talk - Anthony Colclough

Vocations talk led by Mr Chadwick



FS1 Church Role Play









Harvest Assembly - delivered by the Foodbank

CAFOD Assembly - Power To Be



Donna Louise




Rise Theatre

Rise Theatre

ADOREMUS Let us Adore

ADOREMUS Let us Adore

Canon John's Installation Mass - St Chad's Birmingham 

Canon John's Installation Mass - St Chad's Birmingham 

 Prayer Room 

Fundraiser for Dementia UK





Video - Please watch the following:

St Gregory's Welcome

Merry Christmas

Year 4 Baptism  -    Year 4 video where Pupils led their own Baptism.

Collective Worship


Celebrating Multi-faith


Staff Testimonials

Mr Chadwick - Local Academy Representative

Mrs Yates - Senior Executive Principal

Mrs Brickley - Headteacher

Mrs Antrobus - Assistant Headteacher

Mrs Till - Teacher

Mrs Mould - HLTA

Mrs Smith - Education Associate