St Gregory's

Catholic Academy

Parent Pay

Spring Garden Road, Longton Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST3 2QN

01782 254833

Part of

All Saints Catholic Collegiate



School uniform reflects high expectations and provides a sense of identity and unity for all pupils. Children are expected to wear the correct school uniform at all times. The school uniform policy, approved by the governing body, is as follows:-


Navy v-neck jumper – with school logo, pale blue school shirt (short or long-sleeved)

(Nursery only - Pale blue polo shirts)

school tie, dark grey flannel trousers,  grey/navy socks and black shoes


Navy v-neck cardigan or jumper– with school logo, pale blue school shirt (not fashion shirt)

Nursery only - pale blue polo shirts

School tie, navy blue skirt or pinafore, navy socks and black shoes

Summer Term only

Girls may wear the navy blue and white checked summer dress.

All pupils may wear black or navy summer sandals.

P.E. Kit

All pupils must wear correct PE kit for PE. white crew neck T shirt – with/without school logo

Black shorts, black plimsolls

Navy Blue Fleeces, Navy blue tracksuit (or sweatshirt with school logo)

Coats – dark, plain

All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the child’s name.

Some items of school uniform can be purchased from the LPC Clothing, Longton, or the Uniform shop in Hanley town.



In the interests of Health and Safety, jewellery must not be worn. Girls may wear a small stud, if ears are pierced. Any child who has their ears pierced should do so during the extended summer holiday to allow time for the studs to be removed.

In the interest of health and safety, no jewellery is permitted in the Early Years Foundation Stage – Nursery (FS1) and Reception – Sunshine’s and Rainbows (FS2). This includes earrings and religious necklaces.

Shaven hairstyles, patterns /lines, or colours in hair are not permitted.

Make up and nail varnish are not allowed.

For health and safety reasons



Our school uniform can be purchased from Longton Protective Clothing ST3 1HZ


School Uniform Policy