St Gregory's

Catholic Academy

Parent Pay

Spring Garden Road, Longton Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST3 2QN

01782 254833

Part of

All Saints Catholic Collegiate

Safeguarding in School

St Gregory's is committed to ensuring that our children always feel safe and secure. This involves a wide range of policies, procedures and supportive arrangements. We have a strong culture of safeguarding and work tirelessly to keep your children safe, secure and well cared for. It is only when children feel safe and secure that they will be able to be happy and ready to learn.  The excellent relationships between home and school, which are at the heart of St Gregory's Catholic Academy, ensure that the channels of communication are always open between parents and staff. 


St Gregory's  is part of Operation Encompass - an initiative which enhances communication between the police and schools where a child is at risk from domestic abuse.

If you have a safeguarding concern, please contact a member of our Safeguarding Team in person or via the school office on 01782 254833 or Children's Services on 01782  235100


Click here for the ASCC Safeguarding Policy


Safeguarding Team 



Mrs V Brickley

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs M Mottram
Deputy Headteacher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr D Baylay
Home School Link Worker
Mrs J Dunn
Learning Mentor

Mrs S Williams

Designated Safeguarding Lead



Mr C Redmond - Safeguarding Governor 


Reporting a Concern

We all have a duty to protect children and young people from harm. If you have any concerns about a child or young person it is always best to share them.


If you think a child is in immediate danger, contact the police on 999.


If a child is not in immediate danger but at risk of harm, contact Stoke-on-Trent Children’s Social Care . 


 Call Stoke-on-Trent Children’s Advice and Duty Service (CHAD):

Phone 01782 235100

Monday – Thursday 8:30am – 6:00pm Friday 8:30am – 6:00pm

Emergency Duty Team (Out of hours)

Telephone: 01782 234234


What will happen next?

Social workers will follow up every report where they believe a child may be at risk of harm. They will talk to other people who know the child and may be able to provide a clearer picture. This includes teachers, health visitors and members of the child's family.

After this several things could happen:

  • No further action will be taken
  • Help and support will be offered to the family
  • An investigation will take place


Social workers will follow up every report where they believe a child may be at risk of harm. They will talk to other people who know the child and may be able to provide a clearer picture. This includes teachers, health visitors and members of the child’s family.

After this several things could happen:

  • No further action will be taken
  • Help and support will be offered to the family
  • An investigation will take place 


Please click the images to view useful Safeguarding Website Links:

Worried about yourself, a friend or a child or young person you know? 

Staffordshire Safeguarding Children Board

Please choose the website link to report any concerns.

USEFUL SAFEGUARDING LINKS                                        USEFUL SAFEGUARDING LINKS                                USEFUL SAFEGUARDING LINKS